Duo Tox Liquid

Dual action toxin absorbent

A technological feed additive that assists in the treatment of poisoning cases in dogs, cats and exotics.

For in-hospital use.

Activated Charcoal 250 mg/ml, Diosmectite 166,7 mg/ml
Pack: 125 ml Liquid
Reg. No. V33978 Act 36/1947

Duo Tox. Dual action toxin absorbent. Treats poisoning cases in cats and dogs.
Duo Tox. Dual action toxin absorbent. Treats poisoning cases in cats and dogs.

Duo Tox Paste

Dual action toxin absorbent

A technological feed additive that assists in the treatment of poisoning cases in dogs, cats and exotics.

For oral administration.

Available through all participating veterinary practices and vet shops.

Activated Charcoal 300 mg/ml, Diosmectite 200 mg/ml
Pack: 30 ml Paste
Reg. No. V33979 Act 36/1947